Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'd Rather Juice My Grass(Wheatgrass)

If you’ve never heard of wheatgrass juice, you’re not alone. Don’t underestimate the healing properties of wheatgrass and wheatgrass juice. Growing wheatgrass in my apartment and drinking wheatgrass juice, may have saved my life when carbon monoxide leaked inside due to an improperly installed gas heater. Drinking wheatgrass for maintenance also helped me expel a chemical that I’d been using for way too many years AND a poultice I made from the pulp of wheatgrass cured my six month old daughter of the croup overnight!
I credit my parents for starting me on my journey with wheatgrass and living food. Over 20 years ago, they both checked into Optimum Health Institute in CA and changed the direction of their lives as well as mine. They started working there along with my brother and later moved on to Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida, where my brother Michael is now a Master Wheatgrass Grower and manages their greenhouse.
While visiting my parents in CA at Optimum, my 6 month old daughter came down with a horrible cough. My Mom suggested a poultice. This was 17 years ago and I knew about wheatgrass juice, but not what I could do with the pulp. Sure, why not. So we put a poultice made of wheatgrass pulp dipped in the juice, directly on her chest. And yes, you guessed it, the next morning she was free of her cough completely. I wish I could say, at that moment, I was totally hooked on wheatgrass and living food. It took me a few more years. I was vegetarian at that time and was juicing wheatgrass and attempting to grow it in my house.
My first juicer was an electric Miracle Juicer. I took it right off the kitchen counter of my parent’s house. (Hey, I wasn’t the only one. My sister and brother stole the next two)! It was what I used for many years. Wheatgrass was the only thing I was juicing at the time. I grew it in my small apartment and did the best I could. Some days I could drink it and others I just couldn’t get it down. I drank it for maintenance….I drank it for healing. And I continued to make poultices. But I was still working on emotional issues and I was avoiding turning to a living food lifestyle.
Fifteen years later, because of my connections with Hippocrates Health Institute, I was fortunate to have the director, Brian Clement, come to speak in my small town in Vermont. I certainly listened, but I wasn’t ready to hear it. So I continued to juice wheatgrass. Not finding the space or time to grow it, I ordered it online. I drank it for 4 months straight, feeling better and better. Then one day I just couldn’t get it past my lips. I called my parents. My Mom, said “Just drink it any way you can get it down.” My Dad said, “It’s all emotional.” He was absolutely right. The emotion that I wanted to “share” with my Dad at that moment, convinced me even more to at least attempt a living food lifestyIe. I certainly had come to a point in my life where conventional treatments weren’t working anymore. So again, Brian Clement came for a visit. And this time I heard it.
The next day I emptied my kitchen cabinets and started juicing and eating more living food. I was now eating better than I had my whole life. I still have that Miracle juicer and I brought out my Vitamix (I hadn’t used it since I bought it years ago) and I purchased a Champion Juicer, a food processor and a spiral slicer. I juiced every fruit and green I could get my hands on. I made green smoothies. I made raw ice cream, raw treats, raw foods. I was hooked.
A year later, when I started growing wheatgrass in my business, I purchased the Manual Healthy Juicer for wheatgrass and greens. With my manual Healthy Juicer, I could juice up to 100 shots for tasting at our local Health Expo without getting tired. If you don’t want to wake up the family with the sound of an electric juicer, this is the one for you. They’ll wake up to the smell of fresh squeezed wheat grass.
Don’t hesitate getting started growing your own wheat grass. Growing grass is one of those things you just have to start doing. It may take a couple of tries to get it right, but you will get it right. Don’t forget about making a poultice. Placing it on everything from your gums to your toes, is just another way to heal using wheatgrass. The pulp can be used on any skin irritation, from rashes to warts, scars to ingrown toenails. Think drawing out toxins, think oxygen, think alive, think GREEN! Again, don’t underestimate it. Try it for yourself.

Donna, Yep, I really juiced that, Bergonzi-Boyle

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